
Nov 06 2024


6:00 pm - 7:15 pm


$Give What You Can

Reading Group: Readshop *ONLINE*

Promotional image, cover of The Holy Forest, centered, with a light blue border and matching text in all caps bold font that reads Readshop running vertical along the cover. An extreme close-up of the cover is set in the background.
This community group is held online on Zoom.

Led by poet and Woodland Pattern co-founder Karl Gartung, Readshops are community sessions dedicated to exploring poetry texts from the 20th century that are often labeled “difficult.” Participants take turns reading the poetry aloud, discussing it as questions arise—on the spot, as deeply as needed. No preparation is needed; the only prerequisite is curiosity.

The group is reading from Robin Blaser’s The Holy Forest, which, spanning five decades, is Blaser's highly acclaimed lifelong serial poem. "Blaser plays his poems like an instrument. The glorious phrases that come forth ring with the memory of fairy tale, myth, gospel, but hang hard on to the modern world in his variety of measure and stress. Blaser is moving us all forward to a less certain result through a forest that has few resting places where the sun stays for longer than a minute." ―Fanny Howe


Open to the public. For more details or to join, please contact Programming Director Mike Wendt.



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