
Aug 06 2023


1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


$50 General ($45 Members)

Getting It Together, a workshop with Edie Roberts *IN PERSON*

Promotional image, Edie Roberts artist portrait on the right, bold black and white text that reads "Workshop, Getting It Together with Edie Roberts, Sun. Aug. 6 | 1-4 PM, In-person at Woodland Pattern

This workshop will be held in person at Woodland Pattern

A limited number of scholarships are available for this workshop. Writers who are low-income and/or of marginalized identities are particularly encouraged to apply.


Let’s arrange those manuscripts! This workshop will focus on the skills to put your work into sequence and hold your reader’s attention from the start to the finish of shorter, chapbook-length collections. We will consider tone, pace, format, theme, and overall intent of your collection when putting things in order. This workshop will lend you the skills to work on larger manuscripts as well, but for the purposes of this class, please bring a collection of work of no more than 30 pages. This is a collaborative and participatory space where you will be asked to read and consider the work of others as well. Ideally you will leave this workshop with a viable arrangement of your book for submission or publication.

Edie Roberts is a poet and facilitator living in Detroit. They are a bookmaker who has been editing and publishing since 2009 under the umbrellas of Plumberries Press, Pitymilk Press, and Bathmatics. They earned a Masters in Creative Writing from Miami University, where they taught writing and composition courses and helped curate a reading series. They have hosted readings and other events across the Midwest and are currently hosting a monthly series at 27th Letter Books in Detroit. Their own books include Thank You, Ain’t Life Grand (pitymilk press, 2020), Everywhere You Go (Bathmatics, 2019), and others. See more at

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