
Oct 27 2022


8:30 am - 11:00 am


$50 General ($45 Members)

In Over One’s Head, a hybrid-genre workshop with DIANE GLANCY *IN PERSON*

In person at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design

Sometimes when I’m overcome by a writing project, it is a signal to keep going. This happened with my 2021 hybrid collection, A Line of Driftwood, the Ada Blackjack Story. Years ago, I encountered Ada’s diary in the Rauner Collections at Dartmouth College. Ada was a young Inupiat woman who from 1921–23 traveled with four explorers to Wrangel Island in the Arctic Sea to work as a cook and seamstress. She emerged as the only survivor. Imagination took hold and I wrote a poetic narrative from her words. Then I wrote a short nonfiction piece on ventriloquism, and another on a trip to Alaska. And then another on a poetic dialogue between a polar bear and a ptarmigan. All in the same book. What I had was two genres that stayed side by side to become something more. I had discovered a hybrid work through which to guide my own expedition into risk-taking with a book. We will explore the same ocean currents and travel north in this creative writing workshop. A new territory is ahead.

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