Performance: It Can’t Happen Here—Again *IN PERSON*
*IN PERSON* at Garden Park, on the corner of Locust St. and Bremen St.
$GIVE WHAT YOU CANIn 1936, It Can’t Happen Here, a stage adaptation by Sinclair Lewis of his own bestselling novel, opened simultaneously on 21 stages in 17 states across America on October 27th, one week before that year’s presidential election. It served as a warning against the rise of fascism in America.
It Can’t Happen Here—Again, a new stage adaptation by Writers for Democratic Action, is both an homage to the 1936 production as well as a call to action now, in 2024. The work will be presented in abbreviated form on multiple stages in multiple cities around the country on July 19, and we invite you to join us in the park for this special Milwaukee staging, which will feature a troupe of actors including Flora Coker and others TBA on our website in the coming weeks.