Poetry Reading: Karl Gartung and Peter Burzyński *HYBRID*
Poetry Reading featuring poet and Woodland Pattern co-founder Karl Gartung and poet, translator, and Woodland Pattern Book Center Manager Peter Burzyński, reading in celebration of Peter’s A Year Alone inside of Woodland Pattern (Adjunct Press, 2022).
In person at Woodland Pattern and livestreaming via Crowdcast
Peter Burzyński earned a PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. He holds a BA from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, an MFA in poetry from The New School, and an MA in Polish literature from Columbia University. He works as the Book Center Manager at Woodland Pattern Book Center in Milwaukee. Burzyński is the translator of Martyna Buliżańska’s This Is My Earth (New American Press, 2019) and the author of A Year Alone inside of Woodland Pattern (Adjunct Press, 2022). In between his studies he has worked as a chef in New York City and Milwaukee. His poetry has appeared in jubilat, the Best American Poetry Blog, Thin Air, Prick of the Spindle, Thrush Poetry Review, MAYDAY, Your Impossible Voice, RHINO, and Forklift Ohio, among others. He is the son of immigrants who call him on the phone every day.
Karl Gartung (with Anne Kingsbury and Karl Young) was a founder of Woodland Pattern. He is the author of Now That Memory Has Become So Important (MWPH, 2008). For him, a central mystery is which really comes first, the place we live in and its history—or its poetry?
Registration is required for in-person event attendance, as is a nominal ticket donation to hold seats. Gallery attendance is limited to 20 audience members. All attendees must show proof of vaccination or negative Covid test within 72 hours. Masks are required. Thank you for helping us keep our community safe.