Workshop: WOVEN / LINE with Imani Elizabeth Jackson and Claire Crews *IN PERSON*
In person at Woodland Pattern
REGISTER TO ATTEND APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPA limited number of scholarships are available. Writers who are low-income and/or of marginalized identities are particularly encouraged to apply.
WOVEN / LINE, a workshop with Imani Elizabeth Jackson and Claire Crews
This workshop lingers in the conceptual overlap between text and textile, with a particular interest in the line.
As warp travels its long, meandering path through weft, so do sound and interpretation through language.
We wonder: what do you think of when you think of the line? How does one write a fraying edge? The line of a river? The threadbare shirt? How does a weave structure suggest the form of a poem? What do we make of enjambment, open space, holes? Where do you see weavings in the world? When does language become tactile?
We consider how language may create a dense (opaque) or loose (transparent or windowed) weave.
We will look to the written/woven works of Francesca Capone, Anni Albers and others as guides for this cross section.
We will offer participants written and observational prompts and ask that each participant brings a woven textile of significance to them, to work within an object-based prompt.
Imani Elizabeth Jackson's writings appear in Apogee, BOMB, TriQuarterly, the Paris Review, Poetry, Triple Canopy, and elsewhere. Under the name mouthfeel, she co-authored the poetry-cookbook Consider the Tongue (2019) with S*an D. Henry-Smith; she also contributed to Francesca Capone’s Weaving Language I: Lexicon (Essay Press, 2022). She is the author of two chapbooks, saltsitting (g l o s s, 2020) and Context for arboreal exchanges (Belladonna*, 2023), and her first book, Flag, is forthcoming from Futurepoem, for which she received the press's 2020 Other Futures Award.
Claire Crews is a writer and textiles artist living in rural Kansas, where she is at work on a novel. She holds an MFA in literary arts from Brown University. She will be teaching studio art at Deep Springs College during the Spring 2024 semester.